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Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
You're right Scrappy. No other multiplayer game in the world has a level based perk unlocking system, customizable player load outs, and has a individual "free for all" and unity "team" based objectives of killing other player/s who have similar skills or features.


Mar 9, 2011
Now you're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. You know I'm right. Just because you don't like the series doesn't mean you can't acknowledge a positive aspect of it.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vPWlZNZ9NGs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Assassin's creed multiplayer is ok, but it always ended up just everyone hauling ass around the whole time eventually. I wish they could have adjusted it to where the arrow pointing to right where your target is was unnecessary.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
I'm apparently playing Fable: The Journey now and I LOVE AC3 and don't worry scrappy, Andrew just likes to make a fuss over things that aren't Batman


Nov 10, 2003
Can ya blame him? Batman is the best.

In fact, if Arkham City had AC3's MP it'd be instantly better cause it's BATMAN.


Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
Batman is the best.

Thank ya Logan, and i agree with ya that Batman is the best.

I'm arguing that Assassin's Creed isn't ground breaking. It's different sure, but not ground breaking. Hitman was doing the assassin stuff way before and prince of persia had first dibs on climbing structures. I just wish Scrappy would admit that. Do I think Batman was original, hell no. Zorro, the green hornet, and the scarlet pimpernel came before Batman. Assassin's Creed hasn't changed anything in the gaming world. We're not seeing knockoffs or revelations because of it. Scrappy's just got to get over this butt love for that series.


Nov 10, 2003
While I agree, I think he's talking more about the multiplayer.


Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
Multiplayer included. Its the same as Halo's free for all, oddball, or vip. It's just sprinkling none playable characters into the map. It's, at best, a different perspective on an already used formula. Individual player scores not based entirely on your kills isn't new either. Neither the story nor the multiplayer (introduced 3 maybe even more games ago) aren't game changers. Different, i can give em that. However there is no way it would be on a list of game changing video games. It's just a fact.


Mar 9, 2011
Multiplayer included. Its the same as Halo's free for all, oddball, or vip. It's just sprinkling none playable characters into the map. It's, at best, a different perspective on an already used formula. Individual player scores not based entirely on your kills isn't new either. Neither the story nor the multiplayer (introduced 3 maybe even more games ago) aren't game changers. Different, i can give em that. However there is no way it would be on a list of game changing video games. It's just a fact.

now you're asking a different question. "game changer" implies an implication for the future. do i think AC MP is a "game changer?" not really because it fits a particular genre of game which wouldn't be utilized in a MP setting very often. but i think its ground breaking because never before has a 3rd person stealth setting in a simulated "real world" environment using NPCs been done before. when they first announced that brotherhood would have MP i was like "are you kidding me? how the fuck would they do that? its gonna be stupid." but they did it and did it extremely well. does it get stale quickly and do people ruin it by running around like morons? yeah. but the concept of it is amazing and ground breaking in my opinion.

likewise, a game can be a "game changer" and not be terribly ground breaking. i think the first halo is a good example of this. as a 1st person shooter it evolved the genre to show what can be done on a console and in that regard "changed the game" for the genre. but it wasnt terribly ground breaking as far as doing anything new. just developed ideas that already existed.

but anyway it doesnt matter. there's no arguing with someone who says AC's wanted is the same as Halo's VIP.
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Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
Can I pop in here and say that Ubisoft was involved in BOTH prince of persia AND AC???


Dec 16, 2010
Ni No Kuni still (I havent been able to play it, I finally get to continue tonight)


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Ubisoft has broken my heart

They really do make some awful decisions. Like their delaying of Rayman Legends on the Wii U to September, even though the game is COMPLETED. Just so they can release it with the 360 and PS3 ports. So now instead of releasing during February with essentially no competition, it's going to release alongside GTA V. NICE ONE UBI.


Nov 10, 2003


Look at'ma pickle!
Aug 7, 2012
Finished Hitman HD collection yesterday; 1000/1000 achievement list.