Talkin' 'bout this generation


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
So, within a year the current generation of consoles will be over. From the looks of it, there aren't really any huge games coming out for any of the three systems in that time. None that I really care about, anyway. With that said, let's hear about your overall opinions about the consoles and their games.

Gamecube: Probably my favorite overall. I love the controller, and the system has plenty of killer apps (for me, at least). There's Ikaruga, there's MGS: Twin Snakes, there's Metroid Prime (I didn't like Echoes that much), there's Skies of Arcadia: Legends, Smash Bros Melee, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Mario Sunshine (don't deny it, it rocked), and more. A great little system overall.

PS2: Well, I've had some good times with this system for sure. I've played the Final Fantasy series on it. I've played the Metal Gear Solid series on it. I've played Ace Combat 04 on it, and I've played some other great games on it too, like Star Ocean and Front Mission 4. I actually think the controller is the worst of the three. The analogue sticks don't really feel right somehow. It's never taken away from my enjoyment of a game, but it's nagging sometimes.

Xbox: There've been some great games on this one, too. Halo 1 & 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Morrowind, Dead or Alive, Burnout 3, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and others. The S controller is very comfortable, and no matter what you say about "omg S is teh gay duke rockzz lol", I'll whip your ass with this S in Halo 2, Yoda.

So, yeah, this generation has been a huge success to me. I'm already saving my money for the next generation, and most likely I won't be buying any more games until Xbox 360 comes out. Although my favorite game ever (Deus Ex, of course) came out before this generation, 7 of the other 9 games in my top ten list came out after 2001.

Anyway, let's hear your thoughts. Your favorite games? What's good and bad about the consoles? Fire away.


Nov 10, 2003
PS2: The first next gen system I got. Sure I played some great games on it like San Andreas, Metal Gear Solid 3, and God of War, but it hasn't been much more than a dvd player that gets disc read errors every 6 months for me.

Gamecube: Since I never really owned one, I have sparse memories. I played the wind waker. That was cool. The only thing I really remember was heated mario golf competitions between my dad and I.

xbox: yeah its good. i like halo and kotor better than those other shitty games. long live xbox.


Junior Member
Nov 11, 2003
GameCube-I got this the first x-mas it came out, I really enjoy playing all my old favorite characters, like mario, luigi, link, etc. but after awhile, the games just got old and the new ones became too kiddie for me, so the thrill ran out fast.

PS2-My favorite of the next-gen systems, first of all because of its games, FF series, Metal Gear series, Tekken series, etc., and second of all its controller. I just found it more appealing than the GCN controller and the XBox controller.

XBox-I only like the Xbox because of the games that are only for it. Like Halo 1 and 2, DOA, MechAssualt, Etc. I hate the controller, I hate the sysytem design, but now that the Xbox 360 is coming, I'm definetly going to trade my xbox in for cash.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Hyruler, you're like 10. Don't complain about games being kiddy.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
What about handhelds?

GBA: Ok, although I didn't play mine that much, it sure had some sweet games. LTTP, Metroid Zero Mission, Golden Sun, FFTA, and maybe a couple other games. I really liked the design and screen of the SP.

DS: Meh, don't have one, not interested in getting one.

PSP: I've only had it for a short time, but dayum I've had some good times with this thing. Ridge Racer's my favorite racing game ever. Metal Gear Ac!d is gooood stuff, and Lumines is crack. Oh yeah, Wipeout's great too.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
What's the difference between you and a mallard with a cold? One's a sick duck. I can't remember how it ends, but your mother's a whore.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I love our collective ability to stay on topic.


Nov 10, 2003
It's a pleasure to see you again, after the show ended, hogan of hogan's hero had his skull crushed in by a friend who video taped him having rough sex.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
The dude in your avatar looks like he'll rape you.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
<img src="">