Grand Theft Auto 5


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
how much space does the install disc take? might have to free up some space whenever i eventually pick this up


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
So I beat this game yesterday. Is the only way to get a fighter jet by breakin into the military base and stealing one? Pretty disappointed you can buy tanks and army helicopters for private use, but not a jet. Speaking of helicopters, they feel like they handle wayyyyy worse than in GTA 4.

As far as story goes: SPOILER ALERT!
Did anyone pick anything other than "deathwish" on last mission? Seems pretty stupid to kill either of the other 2 and I can't see what benefit there would have been doing that. I was glad to see whoever tried to spoil the game by posting that Trevor kills Franklin was wrong.

Overall, I felt the single player campaign was really short compared to even GTA 4. Not sure if there is any point in playing after the story is over, or if it will have any effect on GTA online, but there is still a lot of stuff to collect I suppose.


Nov 10, 2003
Yeh I think story was a bit short. But it was farrrrr more concentrated. The missions/characters/dialogue/setting/everything was so much better than gta 4.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I have not played this game since I beat it.

What is the grand opinion on the music selection this time around? I think it might be worse than GTA 4, but honestly I haven't listened to hardly of the stations.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I always go back to a GTA game after finishing the story to just mess around, play with the physics, etc. I played GTASA waaaay more than I did GTA4 tho. Would you guys say this one is as good as GTASA? Or at least way better than GTA4 was?


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
And how would you compare it to san andreas? obviously its technically better, but is it as fun?


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Hmm. Overall I would probably rate San Andreas better as I think it has way more content than GTA 5. GTA 5 doesn't really have a main antagonist, the story I think is much shorter, the music is kinda bleh, I believe there is more variety in vehicles in San Andreas and you can't even hijack the trains in GTA 5. Also the airplane speed in this game seems really slow for some reason.

Overall GTA 5 will probably end up superior for me just because of the online aspect that they seem to be putting most of their effort towards, but from a single player perspective - I don't think its as good as San Andreas. I would say San Andreas's world is probably bigger as well but I'm not sure if you count GTA 5's total area where you can swim underwater which doesn't really interest me.


Nov 10, 2003
Pretty sure GTA V is a lot bigger. San Andreas just seems big in comparison to Vice/GTA III.

GTAV has better everything other than radio really. I love SA, but I think it's nostalgia goggles in the end. I miss the quirkiness, but V is better.

Also Trevor and Michael are better than any other GTA protag


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I think vehicle variety/handling better in San Andreas. Also the underwater swimming controls suck butt.

But agree on characters.


Nov 10, 2003

I've had multiple server issues, crazy glitches, and my saved character changed into a woman from a man, but damn am I having fun.

With the content they and a smoothing over of technical difficulties, this will be great.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The fact you lose so much money and ammo when you die because they want to sell fake money for real money kills a lot of the enjoyment for me. It's like, you want to make a lot of money so you can buy stuff, but that means you can't have any fun because dying ruins your entire progress. I lost over 15K of money last night just because of the same guy with an assault rifle shooting me over and over. Doesn't help the game spawns you right back where you died without any option to choose a different spot.

It's fun sure, but I feel hesitant to do anything I could do in the older games because I wll probably die. This should be a free for all run and gun game, but really it ends up being a play by yourself and don't piss off the cops or any of the NPCs because your ass will be grass and you will be wasting your time.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
is there any way to play in a sort of private or party mode with just friends?


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Yeah you can, you can even do solo online. I don't think this affects anything in regards to saving or whatever, but I'm not sure.



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The emphasis they keep putting on trying to force you into buying fake money with real money completely ruins my motivation to play this game online. I don't think I've played in like a week or more? Doesn't matter really anyways, because everyday I see people have more problems with the servers with either not be able to connect or still losing save progress. I was way too overhyped for the online part I guess.