Streaming Videos Added

  • Admin
One of the features I've worked on has been streaming video. It has been a long process where I would work off and on for several months on getting it working. It was one of those things where I would work on it, get stuck at some point, and come back to it later with a fresh mind. Streaming the videos isn't too hard, but allowing the user to skip around was quite a challenge. Nevertheless, streaming videos on Zelda Xtreme is now a thing.

Right now, we have a selection of mostly retro Zelda videos, from the first Legend of Zelda commercial, but we also have more recent videos such as the Link Between Worlds trailer. We also have beta footage from Ocarina of Time, and the E3 2006 showcase of the Wii. We plan to add more videos over time, so keep checking back for more!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
It's the legend of zelda and it's really rad

Those creatures from gannon are pretty bad