Nintendo NX


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Nintendo Co. has begun distributing a software development kit for its new NX videogame platform, people familiar with the matter said, suggesting the company is on track to introduce the product as early as next year.

The exact shape of the NX hardware isn’t yet clear. People familiar with the development plans said Nintendo would likely include both a console and at least one mobile unit that could either be used in conjunction with the console or taken on the road for separate use. They also said Nintendo would aim to put industry-leading chips in the NX devices, after criticism that the Wii U’s capabilities didn’t match those of competitors.

What does Nintendo need to do to make this a success? I think it's fair to say that while I love the Wii U, overall it has been a failure and all signs show to Nintendo quickly moving on to the NX. So what are you looking for in the next-gen console? More 3rd party support, more innovated type controls, a classic control scheme, powerful hardware?

So far, the NX is shaping up to be some mobile/console hybrid which I'm going to speculate means that the console will either feature some device that you can carry with you on the go to play a mobile-fied version of the console games you own, or perhaps run the console games at a lower settings when mobile. If that's the case, then I'm going to guess that discs will be going away, and we are back to a cartridge type of storage.All speculation on my part though.

I also am going to suspect that the Zelda Wii U title will also show up as a launch title for the NX. If that's the case, the system could launch at the end of 2016. But is 2016 too early though? 2017 looks like a more likely release year, but we did see a 4 year window between the Xbox and the Xbox 360, and the Wii U's sales are worse, so it's possible.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I really hope that they keep the gamepad idea to have two screens, although I'm not sure how that will work if they plan to let you play while away from the console on the gamepad only.

As for what Nintendo has to do... well if they had full third party support that would be nice, but it has to be easy for devs etc. It sounds like that is their plan here. They also need to greatly improve the OS. Miiverse is great but could be majorly expanded upon, and they need a proper account system and online infrastructure. But even if they have both of those, the reason I'm buying a Nintendo console is for Nintendo games Third party titles are just gravy. And with Wii U they have been way to slow putting out their first party games. They need to find a way to push games out at a greater pace, and either try some new IPs or revive some classic ones.


Nov 10, 2003
SAB hit it right on the head at the end. I don't give a shit about third party, even power doesn't bother me that much. It's the freaking games. They need to sink their claws into their properties and use them to the absolute fullest. Take some risks! Give me big titles! Super Mario Maker as neat as it looked should be a 40 dollar download afterthought that gets me hyped for a Mario 64 2 that looks amazing and blows my mind again. They have so many core franchises that are rock fucking solid. They need to take risks again and, frankly, abuse their properties.

One of my favorite games is still MegaMan Legends, it has fuckall to do with Mega Man, it just used the name. Was still a great game. I'm sick of getting one major nintendo release every 3 years and cash grabs annually.

Bottom line, take handheld gaming and shove it up their ass. Support their console with good games from core franchises that were developed with the passion of old. And for Christ sake grow the fuck up and get with the 21st century in online capabilities. Travis and I had a more modern experience playing UT99 back in 2000 than I do today trying to play Mario Kart. That's fucked up, FIX IT.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Imagine how exciting it would be if when NX is announced the launch lineup had Super Mario NX (something like 64 or Sunshine), Pilot Wings, Pikmin 4, Metroid, Kirby, Punch Out, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, and so on. There are so many great franchises that Nintendo could be pumping games out for if they would just build up their dev teams.


Nov 10, 2003
Yep, and they dont need to play stuff so safe. Mario Kart 8 was fantastic, it was just very formulaic. Same for Smash Bros and what Star Fox seems to be shaping up to be. Think outside the box! They weren't afraid to try something different when jumping from 2d->3d with flagship franchises, so innovate again! I believe!


Nov 10, 2003
I like my switch, but I don't care about portability. I'm a grown man, I can play my games at home, make them pretty and current plz.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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I like the portability to the extent that if I want to keep playing a game in bed or on the toilet thats nice. Outside of that, meh.


I wonder if these types of devices will be more popular in the future especially if you could use them through the internet without lag.


Nov 10, 2003
Would make sense, it tracks with the Wii U. Nintendo usually always ahead of the times.