Movie: The Dark Knight Rises


Mar 9, 2011
What is the big difference between a Director and Producer. I see alot of the big names to both in different movies.

Please don't say the Director directs and the Producer produces either.

Let me answer in a pretentious film student douche bag voice

A producer is a wide ranging title. It could be someone who is owed a favor by the studio so they threw his name in the credits or it could be someone who oversees the movie from beginning to end attending all the creative meetings, marketing meetings etc.

A director is someone who oversees creative details and physical production of the film big and small.

While the duties of both both the director and producer might overlap for big stuff (costumes, casting, etc) the day to day of production and the technical aspect of the film is mainly the directors job. While bigger business decisions such as corporte sponsorships and contract negotiations with stars fall more into the producers lap.

For man of steel christopher nolan took what they call a "grandfathering" role. So he had a big hands on with the creative aspect of designing the films tone and style, but as far as the final product on the screen im sure its mostly zack snyder.


Nov 10, 2003
Director directs and the producer produces!

I think its the producers job to get the directors/crew what they need to shoot the movie. They also have a lot of final say creatively/monetarily.

Then again I don't know shit!


The Chairman
Sep 28, 2010
Let me answer in a pretentious film student douche bag voice

A producer is a wide ranging title. It could be someone who is owed a favor by the studio so they threw his name in the credits or it could be someone who oversees the movie from beginning to end attending all the creative meetings, marketing meetings etc.

A director is someone who oversees creative details and physical production of the film big and small.

While the duties of both both the director and producer might overlap for big stuff (costumes, casting, etc) the day to day of production and the technical aspect of the film is mainly the directors job. While bigger business decisions such as corporte sponsorships and contract negotiations with stars fall more into the producers lap.

For man of steel christopher nolan took what they call a "grandfathering" role. So he had a big hands on with the creative aspect of designing the films tone and style, but as far as the final product on the screen im sure its mostly zack snyder.

Thank you very much. You were much more help than that SOB above you. SAB, SAB I mean. ;)


Mar 9, 2011
day 18: this is more a personal grief i have with the movie which probably all of you wont get but oh well. it bugged me and this is my game so i can do what i want.

theres a batman mini series which came out recently (now a graphic novel) called gates of gotham. the story starts with the bridges of gotham being blown up and its a big event. the villain releases a quote to the media or something "The families will fall by the gates of Gotham" and the story is about the good guys figuring out what that means and following the story behind it. without getting into details the story is really good. its got depth and meaning to it and it all started with the bridges of gotham blowing up.

how does this connect to the dark knight rises? well in the movie the bridges also blow up. but in the movie its a completely meaningless action connected only to the dumbass plot of turning gotham into an isolated state (which i will have a day for soon enough. dont you worry). now if they ever do a gates of gotham movie (dont think they will but it would be awesome if they did) people will connect the bridges blowing up to the dark knight rises which is stupid.

is it that big a deal? not really. but it just frustrates me that in a recent batman story they do something that has depth and meaning and drives the story becoming a fundamental aspect of the theme while in the movie they do the same thing without a second thought as a passing action to further the story into its retarded third act.


Mar 9, 2011
day 19: ok. now im gonna start to get into some themes of the movie. the previous two batman films were heralded for not just being superhero action movies but containing films with meaningful deep themes and emotional depth. but in tdkr nolan tries and fails on multiple levels. time to start ripping them apart

first off, ive read several reviews that say "the dark knight rises is a movie for our times about the 1% living large and the 99% fighting back" what the fuck are these morons talking about? the whole "fighting back" concept comes from bane during the football stadium speech (which was stupid in and of itself). he was telling the people of gotham to rise up and take their city back. but he does so by blowing up the football stadium during the game, telling them a nuclear bomb is in the city, and executing the only person who could stop it. how does that make any sense? none of the average citizens were rising up. they were scared shitless. all the people fighting alongside bane were either his soldiers or criminals he released from prison.

a good idea for a theme in theory, but it wasnt even bad execution on it. it was execution. just terrible.


Mar 9, 2011
day 20: this is the thing about the movie that pissed me off the most. how they handled talia al ghul. ive heard people complaining about venom and two-face's screen time but after she revealed herself talia was in the movie for like 5 mins. she is arguably the most dangerous and complex batman villain and they treated her like she was nothing. just some "i want to blow up the city" villain without any depth of character. they did have a pretty cool origin for her. climbing out of the prison and such. showed her as a badass. but then it never translates into the rest of the film. the only "badass" moment we see from her is when she walked to the truck fearless with bullets flying all around her. that was it. her death was shitty too. there is just so much source material that brings about so much potential for the character and they threw it all away for some cheap bullshit twist any half ass batman fan could see coming a million miles away.


Mar 9, 2011
day 21: i know i said this above but since bane's death had its own day talia's should too. i mean wtf. she crashed her car and dies slowly? in begins ra's has that badass death after batman flew away. in dark knight joker fell laughing to his death (he didnt. but it was still pretty cool). even two-face's was all right. tackled in the middle of a coin flip. what does this movie give us? a lame car crash and a cheap shot with a cannon. wtf?


The Chairman
Sep 28, 2010
Regarding Bane's death I think of this over and over. Conversation between Batman and Catwoman.

"Why run? Bane?" "You should be afraid of him as much as I am."

Never expected the one who was afraid of him to finish him. Batman should be the one scouring the evil criminals from Gotham.

Now on to my rant. Why does batman have to fly off to happiness? Why does the day have to come when Gotham never needs batman? Batman is Gothams savior. He battles criminals and evil his entire existence. Batman does not simply fly away to have tea with the Catwoman. No Batman keeps the show going no matter what.


Mar 9, 2011
Now on to my rant. Why does batman have to fly off to happiness? Why does the day have to come when Gotham never needs batman? Batman is Gothams savior. He battles criminals and evil his entire existence. Batman does not simply fly away to have tea with the Catwoman. No Batman keeps the show going no matter what.

thats why i say its impossible to be a batman fan and like this movie


Nov 10, 2003
Let's also mention that Catwoman doesn't kill people either, so they fucked dat up.


Mar 9, 2011
day 22: i know i mentioned earlier that there were a bazillion cars chasing batman during the chase scene. but i dont know whats more ridiculous. the amount of cop cars there were...or the fact that ALL of them went after batman and none went after bane. ummm...what? an entire police force and not one of them went after the guy who walked into the stock exchange and started opening fire. yeah...another reason this movie makes total sense.


Mar 9, 2011
day 23: remember at the end of the dark knight when morgan freeman was helping batman use the machine and then after that he left saying batman crossed the moral line leaving their relationship on a cliffhanger? glad they addressed that in the next movie.


Mar 9, 2011
day 24: does anyone also remember when christopher nolan said he was going to have bane be the mastermind villain he was meant to be instead of being the lackey for a female villain like he was in batman and robin? much for that too


Mar 9, 2011
day 25: i thought that christopher nolan was all about defying the comic book/super hero cliche. but there is nothing more cliche than a super hero in his secret identity talking about his super hero identity as his "friend." good thing he didnt do that in this movie amiright?


Mar 9, 2011
thats a dumbass quote to speculate off of. thats gary oldman just saying "warner bros owns the rights and batman makes money so they can do w/e the fuck they want."

personally, i think they are (or should) rebooting batman with a less grounded reality. that way it would make sense to have superman flying around and green lantern making giant dildos with his ring. they shouldnt continue nolan's universe at all...actually i want a batman beyond movie but thats another story.


Deku Scrub
May 29, 2013
was too boring movie to watch i dont consider it a very well enough to watch. its just ridiculos background movie. not appropriate for a good time pass


Mar 9, 2011
thats very true. i like to make sure my movies are appropriate enough for a good time pass