Mega Man Universe canceled


Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
I agree. Didn't Squeenix mention older games coming to XBLA? I'd love for games like Chrono Trigger and FFVI to make their way to XBLA like they are to the PSN.


Castle Guard
Apr 24, 2011
I wish old companies would just release some classic games on the XBLA like they do for the PSN and WiiWare. I'd gladly buy old MM or FF games if it meant some achievements and some incentive to replay them. Sega does it, I can't see an easier cash in Capcom.


amen, capcom have a huge catalogue of greats they could port. some games of course would require reliscensing such as stuff like aliens vs predator, caddilacs and dinosaurs and the D&D titles. but for their own stuff like ghosts and goblins, side arms, knights of the round and the alpha series i would gladly pay for them all again if it meant cheevos...

i'd also love to see konami reaquire the liscense for the simpsons arcade game


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
They're trying to shoehorn full sized games into XBLA as of late which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the service.Games like Serious Sam HD and Section 8:prejudice are fine and all but now it seems that's all we're getting. Ever since BF1943 came out with retail quality features and graphics, no one really has any interest in the nostalgic games anymore. Shame. They won't put it there if there isn't a market for it.


Nov 10, 2003
How is there not a market for it? If development capital is kept to a minimum (porting a completed game for an arcade release is about as minimal as it gets I assume), the "market" required for a product is miniscule.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
True for the most part, but why divert resources to something that isn't going to have that much of a return? For example, it took a team of 6 people at 3DRealms half a year just to port Duke 3D to Xbox Live Arcade. 3DREALMS NEVER GETS SHIT DONE LOL jokes aside, that's 6 people that could have been working to get a larger product out the door that would bring in much more money.

Assuming the average salary of the workers is about $60,000/year (Very low by industry standards) that's $30,000 per employee. 30,000 x 6 = $180,000. And that's just paying the employees.


Nov 10, 2003
Seriously, give me a better example than Duke 3D and one of the most mismanaged and inefficient developers in recent memory. Then again, we're not talking about your podunk ass 3D realms, which consists of 6 guys working in someone's garage who can't afford office chairs and sit on stumps all while having to argue who has to pay the pizza man.

We're talking about Capcom, a huge ass company who managed to port Street Fighter II twice and still release two versions of SF4. Point being that it's two different teams. Let's just say it'd take 6 people 6 months to port the entire NES Mega Man library since it's simpler than the Duke. You don't think Capcom could spare six people? Get real.


Castle Guard
Apr 24, 2011
add to that there is no real major financial outlay other than say a few grand to get a dev team in to work on the port, adding achievements and multiplay, maybe even a new flashy front end etc.. theres no cost involved in disc manufacture or a huge outlay for promotion

if any of the game's i have personally mentioned were to be released then im sure they would sell... based on people who have rated the game mega man 10 has earned capcom nearly £8000 (GBP) this is on the 360 version alone and not including psn and wiiware versions, also i cannot find full sales figures so the figure i have stated is purley estimate


Nov 10, 2003
Seriously, it's like the equivalent of a garage sale. It's some extra work to set it up and sell that old tape deck for 5 dollars, put if you can put forth a little bit of effort and make some money, then why not make it?


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
I feel like I finally need to address this obvious fabrication, along with your recent decision to not talk to me anymore.

I am not here to stalk anyone. I am here to look at schools. I haven't decided whether I'm moving here or not. If I told you that I have to plans whatsoever to see my ex while I'm here, would that make things different? What if I told you I had plans to go to dinner with her tomorrow night? One of those is true. It doesn't matter which. Both disprove your argument. In one, neither of us have any desire to have anything to do with one another. In the other, we're willing to mutually agree to be friends. Either way, stalking doesn't really come into play.

Either way, you guys have fabricated this situation in your head, and evidently that's enough for you guys to decide you want nothing to do with me. Sure, you made up this whole "Bronson looks at us as second-rate friends and we're not cool with that" thing, but even line of thinking is seriously flawed. Logan, how many times in the first three months of this year did I ask you what you were doing, how many times did I see if you wanted to grab something to eat or whatever? Same to Chris. And unlike Logan, Chris actually went with me a few times. Chris, how many times did I ask you if you wanted to play Halo or something? And this was during a time when the rest of this group was pretty unwilling to play. Both of you refused many times. To me, though, that makes it seem like I was the one trying to put forth the effort to be friends. And if you guys are the ones refusing my invitations, doesn't that mean you guys were the one looking at me as a 'second-string friend'? Doesn't that make you guys incredibly hypocritical?

I don't really care anymore. I don't want you guys to change your mind about me. I just want you to realize how stupid you're being about things. I had no problem with you guys whatsoever. I was fine with the fact that you guys wanted to stay home and play games and stuff, even when I invited both of you out. You guys were doing what you enjoyed. Seems like you turned your back on me because I'm doing what I want to. Again, that seems hypocritical since you seem to think I'm the one who has the notion that I'm better than all of you.

Whatever. You guys keep making jokes about me stalking my ex. It isn't true. Keep thinking I thought I was better than you. I didn't. Keep living life in this bubble you live in. That's fine with me. I really hope you guys enjoy yourselves.

Have a nice life.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003

For the record...I would go out to lunch with you if we were in the same state....



Nov 10, 2003
I feel like I finally need to address this obvious fabrication, along with your recent decision to not talk to me anymore.

I am not here to stalk anyone. I am here to look at schools. I haven't decided whether I'm moving here or not. If I told you that I have to plans whatsoever to see my ex while I'm here, would that make things different? What if I told you I had plans to go to dinner with her tomorrow night? One of those is true. It doesn't matter which. Both disprove your argument. In one, neither of us have any desire to have anything to do with one another. In the other, we're willing to mutually agree to be friends. Either way, stalking doesn't really come into play.

Either way, you guys have fabricated this situation in your head, and evidently that's enough for you guys to decide you want nothing to do with me. Sure, you made up this whole "Bronson looks at us as second-rate friends and we're not cool with that" thing, but even line of thinking is seriously flawed. Logan, how many times in the first three months of this year did I ask you what you were doing, how many times did I see if you wanted to grab something to eat or whatever? Same to Chris. And unlike Logan, Chris actually went with me a few times. Chris, how many times did I ask you if you wanted to play Halo or something? And this was during a time when the rest of this group was pretty unwilling to play. Both of you refused many times. To me, though, that makes it seem like I was the one trying to put forth the effort to be friends. And if you guys are the ones refusing my invitations, doesn't that mean you guys were the one looking at me as a 'second-string friend'? Doesn't that make you guys incredibly hypocritical?

I don't really care anymore. I don't want you guys to change your mind about me. I just want you to realize how stupid you're being about things. I had no problem with you guys whatsoever. I was fine with the fact that you guys wanted to stay home and play games and stuff, even when I invited both of you out. You guys were doing what you enjoyed. Seems like you turned your back on me because I'm doing what I want to. Again, that seems hypocritical since you seem to think I'm the one who has the notion that I'm better than all of you.

Whatever. You guys keep making jokes about me stalking my ex. It isn't true. Keep thinking I thought I was better than you. I didn't. Keep living life in this bubble you live in. That's fine with me. I really hope you guys enjoy yourselves.

Have a nice life.



Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #38
I feel like I finally need to address this obvious fabrication, along with your recent decision to not talk to me anymore.

I am not here to stalk anyone. I am here to look at schools. I haven't decided whether I'm moving here or not. If I told you that I have to plans whatsoever to see my ex while I'm here, would that make things different? What if I told you I had plans to go to dinner with her tomorrow night? One of those is true. It doesn't matter which. Both disprove your argument. In one, neither of us have any desire to have anything to do with one another. In the other, we're willing to mutually agree to be friends. Either way, stalking doesn't really come into play.

Either way, you guys have fabricated this situation in your head, and evidently that's enough for you guys to decide you want nothing to do with me. Sure, you made up this whole "Bronson looks at us as second-rate friends and we're not cool with that" thing, but even line of thinking is seriously flawed. Logan, how many times in the first three months of this year did I ask you what you were doing, how many times did I see if you wanted to grab something to eat or whatever? Same to Chris. And unlike Logan, Chris actually went with me a few times. Chris, how many times did I ask you if you wanted to play Halo or something? And this was during a time when the rest of this group was pretty unwilling to play. Both of you refused many times. To me, though, that makes it seem like I was the one trying to put forth the effort to be friends. And if you guys are the ones refusing my invitations, doesn't that mean you guys were the one looking at me as a 'second-string friend'? Doesn't that make you guys incredibly hypocritical?

I don't really care anymore. I don't want you guys to change your mind about me. I just want you to realize how stupid you're being about things. I had no problem with you guys whatsoever. I was fine with the fact that you guys wanted to stay home and play games and stuff, even when I invited both of you out. You guys were doing what you enjoyed. Seems like you turned your back on me because I'm doing what I want to. Again, that seems hypocritical since you seem to think I'm the one who has the notion that I'm better than all of you.

Whatever. You guys keep making jokes about me stalking my ex. It isn't true. Keep thinking I thought I was better than you. I didn't. Keep living life in this bubble you live in. That's fine with me. I really hope you guys enjoy yourselves.

Have a nice life.


but yeah, i had no idea any of this was happenin, sorry to hear it broskie


Project DIVA
Mar 23, 2011
-awkwardly looks around, checks the time on the cell phone, plays with penny that was found on the ground-


How about that Mega Man Universe thing, huh?