I am Inept


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
w000t for Inept Ninja. Welcome. If you need help with the RP functions or posting, or finding anything just ask. Yeh know me already.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Well first of all good job finding everything (avatar, signature, right forum).

As you can see, it shows the date joined, posts, and the amount of money you have. The money can be used for many things. See the menu near the top of the page? It's under the title of this thread, and it says:


There's the arcade, where you can play some games and possibly get the highscore (assuming you can beat my master scores)

Petz. See the snail under my name? That's my "pet". Click USER CP and on the left area where all those options are, at the bottom of it says "create a pet". You can choose the one you like best, or seems strongest to you. Name it, and if you click my snail it shows a bunch of stats, all the petz have them. It's what you use to fight with. Follow me so far? I'll explain how to fight and how to spend money in the next post.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Under Petz on the menu bar is "Item Shops"

This is what you use money for. You can buy stat increasers, items to increase your pet's pleasure and happiness, and some other items that are at the shop. The other shop is where you buy food for the pet's hunger level.

Next is the arena. It's where you make challenges and fight. You can make wagers on the battle (it's all easy, they don't hide anything so it won't be hard to find)

Next under Petz is Bank. I suggest highly you open up an account, click on Bank. Deposit your money and each day you get 21% interest (a day). But if you visit the bank then you won't get interest on the day you visit it.

You see, you get money randomly sometimes. To tell if you do or not just find a thread you've posted it an check the amount of money it shows.

Adoption Center is just if you want to disown a pet.

Store. You spend money here, too but not for Petz. It's for yourself, like glow to the username, italic to username, etc.

Under that is Information. I suggest reading that.

Stats shows the strongest petz and richest users, maybe other things.

When you buy things, it goes to your inventory. To use the items click on Petz, then Inventory and it will show the item. Then click 'use' to use it.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Besides Petz on the menu bar is Journal. Click that to create a journal, it's just a nifty feature where you can post whats going on.

Besides that, is Search. Obviously use to search.

Triple Triad! It's another form of fighting, but not using Petz. I think you use cards, each pack is 500 credits. Nobody has really touched that yet, so I can't really explain it.

Quick Links, it may be useful it has a few things.

On the main page, there's a shoutbox, you may or may not be familiar with it. It's like a less important thing to say.


You get money for:

30- posting in a thread
50- creating a thread
500- referring someone (bring some buddies)
?? - you find money randomly on the site or you can wager money and get it.

It isn't nearly as hard as someone might think, it shouldn't take long to get used to.


so does this forum really role play at all or is that just something psycho or hat as i call him told us to get us to come?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
i consider the petz feature an rp fight since i wouldn't know what else to call it.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I tend not to be a tight-ass about the forums as I used to be. I rather people have fun instead of being regulated all the time on here. That is not to say I won't do stuff about spammers/hackers/etc etc.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Make sure not to shoot for 1000 posts in a month like I did back in the day, guys.