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  1. Barbs


    Your eyes are rounder than mine, Casey. And have fewer teeth.
  2. Barbs


    I'm 11 years older, so shut up. Your eyes are actually less slanted than I though. Maybe I just get dazzled by how enormous they are.
  3. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    I would like to have him yell at me for something. Then I'd scratch his head and tell him he really isn't that angry with me.
  4. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    You need a box of those, Logan.
  5. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    You have troubles, Travis.
  6. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    Uh. *raises hand* I will look at pretty much anyone's boobs.
  7. Barbs

    The Death of Twinkies!?

    I'll miss the cupcakes. I can't eat Twinkies anymore, they just taste like garbage to me. The fruit pies ... delicious, but my god. So calorie-filled, the only way I could justify eating them is if a meteor were about to slam into the earth.
  8. Barbs

    Christmas 2012

    Well, I don't spread it around. I keep it specific.
  9. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    All of the cats I've had have been from shelters or strays. But I really do like that grumpy cat.
  10. Barbs

    Christmas 2012

    And .... ?
  11. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    I want THIS cat: If I had him, it would be impossible to be depressed. Or maybe I'd like a Scottish fold or less grumpy Munchkin kitty.
  12. Barbs

    Christmas 2012

    I would like a pair of leather knee boots but Santa is not taking my calls.
  13. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    I used to have a cat named Scrappy. He was black and scrappy.
  14. Barbs

    Snip Snip

    It refers to the slant, not your retardation level. Take a picture of your eye, Casey. You have quite a slant there, SAB. I wonder if the blue-eyed regulars in here out-number the hazels and browns.
  15. Barbs

    Snip Snip

    You better watch out. I got POWERS. (also, major red eye.)
  16. Barbs

    Snip Snip

    Jesus Christ my eye looks big there. Anyway, the inner corner of your eye being lower than your outer is called a mongoloid slant. I have a very slight one, Casey's is more prominent. Your outer corner is at least parallel (from what I could tell) and possibly a bit lower. I notice this...
  17. Barbs

    Snip Snip

    You were the one talking about his "gorgeously intense blue eyes". I haven't seen that picture, only one from further away. He does have a nearly anti-mongoloid slant, though.
  18. Barbs

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    That's a complicated name for a kitten. I think you're just doing it so that if it gets lost, you can shout it all over your neighborhood.
  19. Barbs

    Snip Snip

    Normal is better than horribly disfigured. What am I supposed to do? Call him cute? Guys hate that.
  20. Barbs

    Welcome New Friends!

    Nah, it's a tv show kinda thing. I can't promise it's any less creepy, but it's definitely a different tone than Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job! On second though, it's probably JUST as creepy.