i has restraint


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #21
another day, several more facepalms:

Tracy **** has joined the room.
Mike Llewellyn has joined the room.
(10:22 AM) Mike Llewellyn: Thanks for contacting the IT Helpdesk.
(10:22 AM) Tracy ****: Good Morning
(10:23 AM) Tracy ****: Jennifer **** has been locked out of windows
(10:23 AM) Mike Llewellyn: Her account isn't showing as locked and I see no failed password attempts, can you confirm the error message she is getting?
(10:23 AM) Tracy ****: sure, just a moment
(10:25 AM) Tracy ****: sorry, she just didn't spell her name correctly
(10:25 AM) Tracy ****: its all good now, thank you and enjoy your day
(10:25 AM) Mike Llewellyn: You too.
Tracy **** has left the room.
Mike Llewellyn has left the room.

She didn't spell her name correctly? Seriously?


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I had a woman yesterday ask me if she could purchase a screen filter for her computer. For her personal home computer and I don't approve purchases anyways.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #24
You should have said "Yeah, they cost about $99, so I'll need about $120 cash from you."


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #26
its almost therapeutic posting annoying things from work on here. so here's another one from an annoying girl in our marketing department!

Emily **** has joined the room.
Mike Llewellyn has joined the room.
(3:42 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Thanks for contacting the IT Helpdesk.
(3:42 PM) Emily ****: Hi Mike
(3:42 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Password has expired, eh?
(3:43 PM) Emily ****: Yeah and I don't have any windows computers handy to use
(3:43 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Tsk tsk.
(3:43 PM) Emily ****: Is there anyway I can do it on the Mac or is that a whole other can of worms?
(3:44 PM) Mike Llewellyn: How difficult would it be to get access to a Windows PC?
(3:45 PM) Emily ****: There's not too many people kicking around right now. I could go beg a favor from someone in the other wing. Should I reset it that way?
(3:45 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Well, we have two options. You can go bug someone to let you use their computer. In this case you would just need to log in with your current password and it will tell you it's expired and prompt you to reset it. Or, I can just reset it and email it to you.
(3:46 PM) Mike Llewellyn: The only catch is that I'll know your password until you manually reset it.
(3:47 PM) Emily ****: Hmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to get up and go find someone.
(3:47 PM) Emily ****: Alright, I'll go hijack a windows.
(3:48 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Sounds good, let us know if you run into any issues.
(3:48 PM) Emily ****: Thanks Mike
Emily **** has left the room.
Mike Llewellyn has left the room.

So she closed the chat window at 3:48, and I watched on the server as she reset her password at 3:50. She said there was no Windows PC handy, YET IT TOOK HER TWO FUCKING MINUTES TO GET TO ONE. LAZY BITCH.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I just reset it and make it ask for them to change it on next login. A lot of people just tell me their passwords, which I'm sure they use for everything.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
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Nov 10, 2003
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  • #29
Yeah, thats our normal procedure too but if the user is on a mac and doesn't have access to a windows box then they can't reset it, and thus can't use it to auth through any tools that use their AD creds.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
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Nov 10, 2003
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  • #32

besides, I'm not in the same building (or province even) as these tards. their physical hardware isn't in my jurisdiction!


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #33
So, I reset people's passwords here a lot, because we have a lot of employees (2000-3000 or so) and people are dumb and mess up their passwords and lock their accounts out. Normal stuff, do it dozens of times a day. I just pick a random word, add some number, and there ya go, a new random password. And today I randomly picked the worst possible password, but it turned out okay. This is the good part of the chat convo:

(2:37 PM) Mike Llewellyn: You should have their new passwords in your email now, can you have them test them please?
(2:37 PM) Jennifer ***: Yes just one second
(2:37 PM) Jennifer ***: UGH!
(2:39 PM) Mike Llewellyn: What was the "UGH!" for?
(2:39 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Didn't like the passwords I used?
(2:40 PM) Jennifer ***: LMAO you are going to love this (I hope)
(2:40 PM) Jennifer ***: The one for Jeff, his password is Legs0482 right?
(2:40 PM) Jennifer ***: He is in a wheelchair because he has spina bifida
(2:40 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Eeek
(2:41 PM) Jennifer ***: He got a huge kick out of it
(2:41 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Wow
(2:41 PM) Mike Llewellyn: That made my day.
(2:42 PM) Jennifer ***: Yeah Jeff and I are still laughing so its all good. I debated asking you to reset it but glad I didnt


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I wish I could do the majority of my help desk crap over email or chat. Too bad everyone wants to use the god damn phone to complain.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #35
We handle too many things simultaneously to be able to do things over the phone, thankfully.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #37
if that wot was directed at me, I just meant that at any given time I'm usually working on two or three different tasks while also dealing with incoming issues through our chat service. easier to multitask when talking to someone in chat rather than verbally.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
Don't worry, I understand where you are coming from. I use to answer ALL DA CALLS for walmart back in the day WHILE they wanted me to do 23454323456732345672345678 other things.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #39
(9:00 AM) NANCY : user name is just **** so he will try another station.
(9:03 AM) NANCY : *-+
(9:03 AM) NANCY : +
(9:04 AM) NANCY : .
(9:04 AM) NANCY : .
(9:04 AM) NANCY : .
(9:04 AM) NANCY : .
(9:04 AM) NANCY : .
(9:04 AM) NANCY : -
(9:04 AM) NANCY : -
(9:04 AM) NANCY : -
(9:04 AM) NANCY : oops. sorry. wiping down keyboard, lol
(9:06 AM) NANCY : Mike...
(9:06 AM) NANCY : ??
(9:07 AM) Mike Llewellyn: I'm still here


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Looks like she just wiping down the period and dash to me. Do you have to do any printer maintenance/support? Those mechnical pieces of crap are probably the bane of my existence.