Book Reviews, Movie Reviews, Game Reviews


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003

Dark Cloud: Awesome/10

Super Mario World: Instant Classic/10


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Ocarina of Time- 10/10

I replayed it and it was unbelievable when I realized how short that game is. Not because I'm good at it or anything, but I actually realized you could beat that game in a day and the difficulty is almost 0, not dieing at all with 3 bottles and 18 heart containers and 2 pieces. So actually, I'm going to put the rate at 9/10, because it's too short and too easy.

Majora's Mask- 9/10

Nothing is perfect...Majora's Mask is a great game, so many sidequests. Epona is slower this game, goron roll is faster. It's a shorter game, but harder and if you want Fierce Diety's it's actually longer. But, like the fault in OoT, this game is too easy. I'm talking about bosses. First is maybe the hardest...2nd is just rolling, what's up with that? The third there isn't much to, and the fourth was just a waste of time if you use the Giant's Mask. For Majora, I went in there with 0 arrows and still got to the third form (I did die, I went in without anything). The graphics are better than Oot.

Final Fantasy X- 9/10

This is possibly one of the greatest games I'm probably ever going to have the honor to play. This game is long, levels to keep fun and busy, the ultimate storyline, graphics so good (when they want it) it's almost not believable. A selection of many characters, the only fault of this is that the final boss is too simple, other than that the bosses are more for fun than difficulty. A bad thing is, that FFX-2 now puts a shadow on this game and lowers the rating.


Mittens, my cat. Seriously, a few minutes ago I was all, ''Hey, budday.'' And she was all, ''Meow.'' And we all know meow is cat language for ''hey budday.'' Oh man, she rules. Next thing you know she'll be dancing or something.

Mittens: Too cool for the rating scale.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Family Guy- 10/10

One of the only shows that I can sit 3.5 hours and just watch it without getting up. The Family Guy show is just unbelievable humor, from some things to things that you'd never even expect. It is better than the Simpsons (not exactly better than, but funnier than, Simpsons is classic so i'd say those two are even) and KOTH.

Simpsons- 10/10

Who doesn't love this show? Well over 300 episodes, I doubt it will ever get canceled. I've been watching this for as long as I can remember, it's funny but not an unknown funny like Family Guy. You can watch the same episode of Simpsons one day and see it on again another day and watch it again.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Movie: Dreamcather- 6.5/10

This thing isn't that bad really, but the book is so much better. You see, they change the plot at the end in the movie and also leave very important things out. A lot of things, actually. The book took me a long time to read and the movie was just 1.5 hours long. It could have been tons better but also a lot worse.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Nintendogs: fun, but it makes me feel... different.

Atelier Iris: classic goodness.